Thursday, September 3, 2020

Narrative My Changing Life Essay Example For Students

Account My Changing Life Essay Longing for a reality where each house has a white picket fence, each house is entirely painted with complimentary hued screens, the grass is green, and a canine sits alongside a pooch house appreciatively biting on a bone. Where in all actuality individuals around you are living off government help, refuse is littered over the city avenues, there is by all accounts a pawn shop, alcohol store, or a congregation everywhere, individuals stroll past you and you wonder what their reasoning? Is it true that they are thinking equivalent to you? Whats next? What would be the best next step? Im stir from this fantasy by my grandma Gabby you hungry?   I will in general psyche meander regularly. See I been remaining with her for a brief period now in her 2 room squeezed condo with a solid smell of espresso and Bengay, the dividers are shaded cream, the kitchen despite everything is by all accounts stuck during the 70s with a vintage wind, cupboards made of wood prepared to self-destruct, and arbitrary pictures and puppets dissipated erratically over the loft. Yea grandmother what you cook?   I state while still in my half normal meandering brain and half in the present. Rice and seared eggs   she says, a typical on the menu. Im hungry so why not, I step inside and sit at her little table she has in the corner canvassed in this bizarre plaid dress and expend the plate of eggs and rice before me. Much obliged grandmother I love you   I advise her, I really love her and I unquestionably am appreciative for her taking me in during this season of soul scanning for me. Presently I used to have a great deal of companions, such a large number of I cannot recollect half of their names. As time has advanced life begun to actually smack me in face. At the point when I was in secondary school I thought the world was mine! I had everything arranged out I would graduate find a decent line of work working in a distribution center setting and through my perspiration and tears purchase a house, after I purchased my first house I would flip it like I had perused I could do on the fronts of Donald Trump books I never set aside the effort to open. After I brought in enough cash to keep up I would then return to school get a degree in something, and afterward settle down and start a family. Obviously I would do every one of these things before I turned 25. I think back now and acknowledge how I was mixed up. I wrapped secondary school and wound up under road lights, celebrating in houses loaded with alcohol, medications, young ladies, and the sharp smell of weed smoke consistently of the day. Individuals traveling every which way at the entire hours of the night and doing things Id rather not state. See despite the fact that my life appeared to be going off course I despite everything trusted I had everything made sense of. I wound up sitting before disintegrated homes past what I longed for being before by this age and still dream. Dream of a universe of extravagance things I was just ready to see on T. V. Reality in time set in. I in the long run started to have tight cuffs slapped on my thin wrists extremely frequently. I wasnt too enormous of a person 61 possibly 140 lbs. I started to become excessively acquainted with the orange jumpsuits, solid cells 4 by 5 feet wide, strolling in lines with my hands behind my back, and being known as number instead of my name. It was during those occasions I concluded things would need to change for me. I in the end chose to change the individuals I encircle myself with and separate myself from the world. That being said I wound up in this confined condo with my grandmother. .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1 , .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1 .postImageUrl , .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1 , .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1:hover , .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1:visited , .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1:active { border:0!important; } .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1:active , .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1:hover { haziness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-beautification: underline; } .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enrichment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u01543d9d5df18833e89f1 3c1ec78b3a1 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u01543d9d5df18833e89f13c1ec78b3a1:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Pitfalls Of Relativism EssayDuring this time a beam of expectation radiated through this diminish dull existence of mine. I wont state her name yet I surmise you can say she appeared at the perfect time. They state lady are Gods blessing to man however I never truly comprehended that idea until I met this young lady. She was around 5   7, long dim earthy colored wavy hair, still youthful with supports, and glasses. She was adorable. She would pull in to my grandmas garage each night in this little silver Chevy Cavalier, it never sounded right it generally had this peculiar squeaking clamor when it pulled in, had a split windshield ho wever it got us from A to B. She would come over and appreciate calm time with me. I recall it like it was yesterday the amount I just appreciated her conversation. She inevitably helped me get a new line of work and roused me to better myself as a man. One day came that I feel like currently was unavoidable and intended to occur. I discovered we were anticipating an infant! Im not, at this point a similar little youngster I was at that point, Im now a man, Ive set aside my puerile ways. As time advanced we proceeded to have another youngster. The two of them happened to be two brilliant young men brought into the world with 10 delightful small fingers and little toes. My point of view on life has changed and I not, at this point live only for myself however for them. The day she came into my life is the point at which another part started.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Accounting Standards and Principles for Finance†MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Examine about theAccounting Standards and Principles for Finance. Answer: Presentation Australian bookkeeping standard has given AASB 138 which gives the rules and premise to recording immaterial resources in fiscal reports and different angles for the exposure of the equivalent. A nitty gritty conversation has been incorporated to give the data about the estimation and acknowledgment parts of bookkeeping standard. To clarify the perspective in a superior way the budget summaries of Genera bio-frameworks restricted has been taken to give the data about the exposure in the announcements about the equivalent. It is important to uncover the data about the obtaining and advancement of immaterial resources by the organization. By and large the task will furnish the general perspectives connected with the divulgence and acknowledgment of the immaterial resources. Immaterial resources can be clarified as the advantages which the organization gain or create for its business which cannot be contacted yet it gives financial advantage to the element all through its monetary life to the element through improved incomes and furthermore gives serious angle from different organizations. Be that as it may, the acknowledgment of impalpable resources is made just when it satisfies the measures and standard for the equivalent. It is likewise imperative to know the strategy for computing the equivalent in the fiscal summaries and explicit revelations to be made. The standard for immaterial resources AASB 138 applies for an advantage just when it isn't to be given in other standard explicitly gave to record the equivalent. The standard additionally doesn't matter where the benefits are for recording money related instruments which are explicitly given in AASB 132. The standard additionally doesn't have any significant bearing to the exercises identified with the investigation and assessment of mineral assets, oil and gaseous petrol and comparable non-regenerative assets (Bond, et. al., 2016). Immaterial resources incorporate consumption made on logical or specialized information by the element like program, licenses, copyrights, rights, licenses and so forth. Just those exchanges are recorded as impalpable resources when and just when they satisfy the acknowledgment measures recommended by the norm. An immaterial resource is perceived just if the accompanying condition is met by the benefit: Plausible future financial advantages expected that are inferable from the benefit will stream to the element; and A dependable expense can be estimated. Estimation of elusive resource by the substance is made based on the likelihood of anticipated future financial advantage. Future financial advantage can be learned by making sensible and legitimate suspicion which can be found out by gauge by the board appended with the helpful existence of benefit. Immaterial resource ought to be at first estimated at cost acquired in obtaining or improvement. The expense brought about in securing the immaterial resource ought to be added to the expense of the primary resource. The cost, for example, price tag alongside import obligations, non refundable charges or any straightforwardly inferable expense of setting up the advantage for its expected use ought to be remembered for the expense of impalpable resource. Acknowledgment of cost of immaterial resource stops when the advantage is fit for working ordinarily however it isn't being used by the element in genuine. This implies just the cost which is acquired till the benefit is prepared to utilize ought to be remembered for the expense of advantage. When the advantage is prepared to utilize the expense brought about subsequently ought not be incorporated. Investigating rules for acknowledgment, a survey of recorded organization in regards to the revelation necessity has been made. Proclamation of records of Genera Bio-frameworks restricted have been explored so as to uncover the prerequisites identified with impalpable resources. Organization perceives its immaterial resources on the idea as indicated by the Australian bookkeeping standard board (AASB 138). As uncovered by the fiscal report of Genera Bio-frameworks Limited for immaterial resources gained as a piece of business mix, other than altruism ought to be at first estimated at reasonable incentive as on the date of obtaining. All the cost identified with procurement of the benefit is remembered for the expense of the advantage and appeared in budget report. Organization has perceived the estimation of elusive resource at first at cost. Organization groups the immaterial resources in its books according to its helpful life. Resource having limited life period are along these lines estimated at cost less amortization and hindrance misfortune perceived over some stretch of time. Resource having uncertain helpful life are not amortized and is estimated consequently esteemed at cost less impedance misfortune. The estimation of immaterial resources is looked into at ordinary interim. Strategy for yearly survey of impalpable resource is utilized by the organization so as to check the impedance or revaluation of intangibles hold by the organization. This encourages the organization to know the real valuation of immaterial resources under lock and key by the organization from which future monetary advantage will stream to the element. All the progressions which are made in the estimation of intangibles are perceived in the books and articulation of records is made on imminent premise (Castilla-Polo, et. al., 2016). Changes made in the amortization technique are additionally determined on forthcoming or by changing the period for amortization. Organization likewise follows the acknowledgment necessity identified with the exploration cost as indicated by the standard which says that acknowledgment cost ought to be perceived as a cost in the announcement of records. Determining about the advancement costs, element indicates that it is promoted just when the intangibles satisfy the achievability test. At the point when the money related investigation determines that the venture will be finished and will have the option to produce future monetary advantage to the substance (Russell, 2016). Likewise it is to be determined that the immaterial will have the option to quantify dependably. Organization utilizes fitting strategy for perceiving the immaterial resource in the fiscal report. The valuable time of the immaterial resource taken as twelve years is made based on the achievability study led by the substance. The choice taken by the substance in regards to the acknowledgment of the intangibles ought to have association with the valuable existence of the advantage and the period over which the future financial advantage can be taken. The technique utilized by the organization for acknowledgment and estimation of intangibles ought to be received after investigation in any case the benefit will be conveyed in the fiscal summary without having any an incentive when contrasted with the market esteem. Organization unveils the strategy embraced for valuation of its intangibles which gives straightforwardness towards the partners. It is imperative to reveal the strategy for valuation and the helpful time of the intangibles alongside the premise on which the helpful period has been learned (Yao, et. al., 2015). Organization utilizes the acknowledgment models as determined by the bookkeeping standard board. Alongside the technique received by the element it additionally reveals the estimation of intangibles under legitimate heading in the announcements planned by the organization. Intangibles held by organization are suitably revealed under non-current resources. Additionally inflow and outpouring identified with the buys and offer of intangibles have been properly managed in the income proclamation. (Tracker, L., et. al., 2012) It is valuable for the organization to perceive the valuable existence of the intangibles at ordinary interim on the detailing date which helps the organization in perceiving the genuine estimation of the intangibles. All the conditions connected with the intangibles are appropriately assessed and debilitation misfortune is perceived on the equivalent. All the appraisals and suspicions are learned ahead of time and the estimation of the equivalent is accounted in the books so as to acquire the benefit books at right worth (Sinclair Keller, 2017). It is additionally helpful for the organization to esteem impedance misfortune on the intangibles in order to know the real estimation of the benefit according to showcase. These estimations are just utilized for the advantage having limited helpful life and not for the intangibles having vast life as they are not amortized. The best possible estimation and acknowledgment rules of intangibles is significant as it encourages the organization to bring the advantages according to the standards and standard indicated by the board and furthermore the announcement of records give valid and reasonable image of the intangibles (Su Wells, 2015). End From the above conversation it tends to be found out that it is significant for the substance to perceive and gauge the estimation of intangibles according to the standard determined by the board. The standard gives the premise to estimating the estimation of intangibles in such a way which helps in perceiving the genuine estimation of the intangibles in the announcement of records. Checking on the announcement of records of Australian recorded organization Genera Bio-frameworks constrained it was found out that the organization follows the standards and arrangements as indicated by the board under AASB 138. All the assessments and presumptions are made based on the valuable existence of the advantage and based on anticipated future profit by the intangibles. (Lhaopadchan, S., 2010) It tends to be said that the convenience of the intangibles in the announcement is improved if the particular norms are followed as all the worth appended with the advantage is appropriately unveiled according to the detail of the board. Elusive resource are imperative to the element and subsequently its valuation ought to be made with most extreme consideration so genuine worth can be discovered for portraying the valid and reasonable situation of the substance. References Bond, D., Govendir, B. Furthermore, Wells, P., 2016. An Evaluation Of Asset Impairments By Australian Firms And Whether They Were Impacted By Aasb 136. Bookkeeping Finance. Castilla-Polo, F. Furthermore, Gallardo-Vzquez, D., 2016. The Main Topics Of Research On Disclosures Of Intangible Assets: A Critical Review. Bookkeeping, Auditing Accountability Journal, 29(2),

Friday, August 21, 2020

Family Observation Paper Essay

Youth, the period after center adolescence, is an essential time in the life of a person. Youthfulness (age eleven through nineteen or twenty) is the time among adolescence and adulthood and is joined by major physical, intellectual, and psychosocial changes. For this perception, I will be watching my flat mate, Amore, who is eighteen-years of age. Genuinely, I will research adolescence and wellbeing. Intellectually, I will look at Kohlberg’s see on moral thinking and impact on school accomplishment. Psychosocially, I will break down character and responsibility. My flat mate, Amore, likewise happens to be my closest companion. We met in secondary school and both made arrangements to start our experience by going to FSU. For this paper, I watched her conversing with one of our companions about her confidence. It was a Friday night and one of our companions had recently parted ways with his better half and was extremely down about it so he had come over for some exhortation. She sat with him in the parlor and made the most of the chance to introduce Christ to him a genuine and ground-breaking way. Love is eighteen-years of age, around five foot two, and was wearing jean shorts and a plain white tee. Under the arduous circumstance, she stepped up to the plate and appeal to God for him forthright, before she offered her own guidance. She talked maturely, however what stood apart most about her discussion with out companion was the way certified all that she said was. Rather than guidance that appeared to be scripted and edged, you could tell that she was talking for a fact. Her persuasiveness and certainty appeared to significantly facilitate the torment and scorn that clearly blurred the room. Her characteristics and discourse were so basic, yet so affecting. It was exceptionally evident that, in the wake of talking with her, our companion felt at much better straightforwardness and was starting to take a gander at his circumstance from an alternate point of view. Physical advancement alludes to the body’s improvement of various aptitudes. Remembered for physical advancement are pubescence and wellbeing. Adolescence is the procedure by which an individual accomplishes sexual development and, hence, the capacity to replicate. Love started feminine cycle at the extremely youthful age of ten. As per the book, factors present in her life at the time could represent such a solid start. For instance, measurements show that little youngsters who have missing dads in their lives are probably going to start adolescence at an a lot more youthful age than a kid who had a current dad. Additionally, young ladies whose mother’s are exacting (ordinarily, on the grounds that they need to assume the job of both mother and father) are likewise bound to bleed before. The two conditions were clear in Amore’s life and could accordingly represent untimely pubescence. Wellbeing is characterized as a condition of complete physical, enthusiastic, and social prosperity. In pre-adulthood, physical movement diminishes all through secondary school years. Notwithstanding, the inverse was valid in Amore’s life. She started karate in center school and, as the years advanced, her preparation strengthened. Thusly, her secondary school years had the most serious physical action. Poor rest designs, which incorporate resting late and sleeping in, are apparent in youthful years. This is valid in Amore’s life. She rests late, rests soundly into the later evening, and takes snoozes for the duration of the day. Memory, thinking, language, and recognition are generally parts of subjective turn of events, a field of study in neuroscience and brain science. Remembered for subjective improvement are postconventional profound quality and dynamic commitment. Kohlberg’s levels of profound quality depicted three degrees of good thinking, the remainder of which is postconventional ethical quality. It is in this third degree of profound quality that individuals follow inside held good standards and can settle on clashing good measures. Love shows that she has arrived at the third degree of Kohlberg’s hypothesis since she can perceive clashes between moral principles and makes her own decisions as needs be. For instance, when she was exhorting Edgar, she perceived that it isn’t alright to mislead your better half, however given his circumstance, his activities were defended. Dynamic commitment is characterized as the consideration, premium, speculation, and exertion understudies use in crafted by school. Love certainly represents dynamic conduct in her auxiliary work-contemplates. Originating from a low-salary family, she was shown the worth and significance of going to class and making a big deal about yourself. She is mindful in class, timely, and applies most extreme exertion. Psychosocial advancement includes an individual’s cooperation with their condition and their companions. Remembered for psychosocial advancement are personality and responsibility. Character is characterized as a sound origination of oneself, made up of objectives, qualities, and convictions to which an individual is determinedly dedicated. Ordinarily, one’s quest for character becomes possibly the most important factor during the juvenile years. At eighteen years old, obviously Amore is immovable in her character, knowing precisely what her identity is. As a submitted Christian, Amore can distinguish herself as an offspring of God, unquestionably observing herself through His eyes. Duty is Marcia’s expression for individual interest in an occupation or arrangement of convictions. As indicated by Marcia’s character status, Amore has arrived at personality accomplishment. There was a period of emergency where she really thought about to what she sought to be throughout everyday life and how she could utilize God’s endowments and gifts to arrive at others. She settled on the choice to utilize her life to help battle human-dealing and has made strides to emphatically focus on such a contribution. All things considered, Amore shows a sound and develop point of view in her juvenile stage. Truly, subjectively, and psychosocially, she exceeds expectations in all territories. It is clear that her activities are particularly in accordance with her formative age. I accept she is formatively on track and is on time for typical formative development.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Management Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes - Free Essay Example

1. 0Introduction Working presently as Senior Assistant Medical Officer at the Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, I had been in this profession since 1982. Global warnings over diabetes increase. Research carried out by the International Diabetes Federation (2009) reveals that around 314 million people, equating to 8. 2% of the global adult population, may have impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) which is a condition that often precedes the development of diabetes. The incidence of diabetes in Malaysia is similar to other countries in the world (Malaysian Diabetes Association, 2009). Diabetes Mellitus is one of the commonest chronic illnesses seen at primary care facilities. A past study by the Malaysian National Health and Morbidity Survey (1996) showed that the prevalence of Diabetes is increasing from 6. 3% to 8. 3% for adults aged above 30 in 1996. However, there are nearly 1. million people in Malaysia who currently have diabetes as studies showed that the prevalence of obesity among Malaysian adults increased by a staggering 250% over a 10 year period from 1996 till 2006 while the number of overweight cases has increased by 70% as 43% of Malaysians aged above 30 suffer from diabetes (Malaysian Diabetes Association, 2010). The National Health and Morbidity Survey (2006) in a later study showed that two out of every five Malaysian adults or 43%, were either overweight or obese and a distressing situation where the number of obese adults had more than tripled over a decade, from 4% in 1996 to 14% in 2006. In addition, about 38% of youngsters aged between 12 and 18 were classified as overweight. The major causes of morbidity and mortality in the diabetic patient are heart disease and stroke (Tzagournis Falko, 1982). 2. 0Definitions Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic and progressive disorder that can have an impact upon almost every aspect of life. It can affect children, young people and adults of all ages, and is becoming more common. Diabetes is a disease which causes the body to either not produce insulin or to not properly make use of the insulin that it does make (American Diabetes Association, 2002). When carbohydrates are consumed, the body must convert glucose into energy that can be used to do everyday tasks. Insulin is a hormone which facilitates this process and is therefore an important part of the bodys normal functioning that helps to maintain an appropriate level of glucose in the blood. In the case of diabetic patient who do not produce or properly use insulin, blood glucose levels must be manually regulated or the patient may sufferer undesired consequences (Stratton et al. , 2000) A high proportion of diabetes cases are not diagnosed or are diagnosed late, which contributes to a high prevalence of complications and thus to the high cost of their management (Eliasson et al. , 2005). Complications from diabetes can be reduced by better and more adapted follow-up such as blood glucose control, regular eye and kidney function examinations, lipid and blood pressure management. 2. 1Classification of Diabetes Mellitus Type-1 insulin dependence diabetes mellitus was formerly called juvenile-onset diabetes, because it mostly attacks young people. This type of diabetes mellitus is characterized by the destruction of pancreatic beta cells. The destruction of BETA cells will decreased insulin production and caused uncontrolled glucose production by the liver. It symptoms include increased thirst and urination, constant hunger, weight loss, blurring of vision and extreme tiredness (Mayo Clinic, 2010). In type-2 diabetes, the body cells are resistant to the action of insulin and/or the pancreas produce decreasing amounts of insulin. As a result, the blood glucose level becomes progressively higher over time and the body cells receive an inadequate supply of glucose – the body’s primary energy source. The symptoms of type-2 diabetes develop gradually and are not as noticeable as for type-1 diabetes. The symptoms include feeling tired or ill, frequent urination at night, unusual thirst, weight loss, blurring of vision, frequent infections and slow healing of sores (Mayo Clinic, 2010). Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a serious health problem affecting approximately 4. percent of adults aged 20 years and over in the world in 1995 (Harris et al. , 1998) and this prevalence is projected to rise from 4. 0 to 5. 4 percent (King et al. , 1998). The proportional increase in type 2 diabetes prevalence rates is greater in developing countries, especially those of Asia (King et al. , 1998; Cockram, 2000). In both types of diabetes, the symptoms are quickly relieved once the diabetes is treated. Early treatment will also reduce the chances of developing serious health problems. A third type of the diabetes is called gestational diabetes. It develops or is discovered during pregnancy. It usually disappears when the pregnancy is over and women who have had gestational diabetes have a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes later (Mayo Clinic, 2010). 2. 2Cause and Risk factors for Diabetes Mellitus. There are many risk factors that predispose an individual or population to developing glucose intolerance and finally to have diabetes (Ram, 2000). There is evidence that lifestyle related changes are the main factors influencing the explosion of diabetes in the modern times. Risk factors such as obesity, physical inactivity and high-fat diet are significant predictors of type 2 diabetes (Zimmet, 1992), which are the results of lifestyle choices determined by one’s culture. According to Mendosa (2001), the common risk factors are: i. Person who has a family history of diabetes is in risk of type-2 diabetes if a parent or siblings has type-2 diabetes. Being obese or overweight person may heighten the risk to have type-2 diabetes as excessive fatty tissue will make the cells to be insulin resistant. Past studies indicate that a person’s race or ethnicity such as blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Asian-American are more likely to develop type-2 diabetes. ii. The risk of type-2 diabetes increases as a person gets older, especially after age 45 as people tend to exercise less, lose muscle mass and gain weight as they age. However, current studies indicate that type-2 diabetes is also increasing dramatically among children, adolescents and younger adults. iii. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, has many serious consequences, especially for people with diabetes. Hypertension is twice as common in people with diabetes. Older persons with diabetes have higher rates of death at a younger age, disability, hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. iv. Hyperlipidemia can be defined as a condition where there are too many fats, or lipids, in the circulating blood. Untreated or poorly treated diabetics do not metabolize fats properly, due to lack of enough insulin to do so. The increased risk of coronary artery disease in subjects with diabetes mellitus can be partially explained by the lipoprotein abnormalities associated with diabetes mellitus. Hypertriglyceridemia and low levels of high-density lipoprotein are the most common lipid abnormalities. In type-1 diabetes mellitus, these abnormalities can usually be reversed with glycemic control. In contrast, in type-2 diabetes mellitus, although lipid values improve, abnormalities commonly persist even after optimal glycemic control has been achieved. v. If a woman developed gestational diabetes when they were pregnant, she has a higher risk of developing type-2 diabetes later. If a woman gave birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds (4. 1 kilograms), she also has a higher risk of having type-2 diabetes. 2. 3Managing Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes is a chronic disease with no cure. As such, the main task of managing diabetes is to keep the blood glucose level within a specified range to avoid short-term emergency problems stemming from hypoglycemia (blood sugar too low) and possible long-term complications of hyperglycemia (blood sugar too high) (Plocher,1996). The American Diabetes Association (2002) recommends guideline levels of blood glucose during certain times of the day. The ADA recommends a blood glucose level of 90 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) during fasting, 105mg/dl prior to meals, 130mg/dl one hour after meals, and 120mg/dl two hours after meals (American Diabetes Association 2002). It is associated with an impaired glucose cycle, altering metabolism. Management of this disease may include lifestyle modifications such as achieving and maintaining proper weight, diet, exercise and foot care. The attitude toward the management of Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes has been greatly changed by the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT), which has shown conclusively that we need to obtain and maintain a high degree of control in order to prevent complications of diabetes (Diana Richard, 2003). 2. 4Treating Diabetes Mellitus Although diabetes cannot be cured, it can be treated very successfully. Type 1 diabetes is treated by insulin injections and a healthy  diet, and regular exercise is recommended. Insulin cannot be taken by mouth because it is destroyed by the digestive juices in the stomach. People with this type of diabetes commonly take either two or four injections of insulin each day. Type-1 diabetes, insulin injections are vital to keep patient alive and must have them every day (Diana Richard, 2003). Type-2 diabetes is treated with lifestyle changes such as a healthier diet, weight loss and increased physical activity. Tablets and/or insulin may also be required to achieve normal blood glucose levels. There are several kinds of tablets for people with Type 2 diabetes. Some kinds help the pancreas to produce more insulin. Other kinds help the body to make better use of the insulin that the pancreas does produce. Another type of tablet slows down the speed at which the body absorbs glucose from the intestine. The doctor will decide which kinds of tablet are going to work best for the patient and may prescribe more than one kind. Type 2 diabetes is progressive. If the diabetes cannot be controlled through lifestyle changes and tablets the doctor may recommend that the patient take insulin injections (Diana Richard, 2003). The main aim of treatment of both types of diabetes is to achieve blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol levels as near to normal as possible. This, together with a healthy lifestyle, will help to improve wellbeing and protect against long-term damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and major arteries (Diana Richard, 2003) 2. 5Complication of Diabetes Mellitus Complications of diabetes include both short-term, acute problems, as well as long-term, chronic problems. Among the former group are problems such as diabetic ketoacidosis, nonketotic hyperosmolar coma, hypoglycemia, and diabetic coma. Among the latter group, usually associated with chronically high glucose levels, are diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy, coronary artery disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, diabetic myonecrosis, and carotid arterystenosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis is caused by the accumulation of ketones, the by-product of the breakdown of fat cells. Nonketotic hyperosmolar coma occurs during extreme hyperglycemia when water is scarce in the body. Whereas the excess glucose would normally leave the body via urination, the kidneys try to conserve water causing the glucose to remain in the body. This leads to a cycle of dehydration leading to increased blood glucose levels which leads back to dehydration and so on. This condition may lead to shock, cerebral edema, blood clots, lactic acidosis and coma (Stratton et al. , 2000) Diabetic nephropathy is a condition in which the kidneys cease to function properly, resulting in increased protein levels in the urine. This condition may lead to high blood pressure, chronic kidney failure and end-stage kidney disease. Diabetic neuropathy is a diabetes complication in which nerve damage results from decreased blood flow and chronic hyperglycemia. This condition affects approximately 50% of diabetic patients. Diabetic neuropathy may lead to constant, intense pain or total loss of sensation in the affected area. Diabetic retinopathy is a complication that affects the eyes retina. Nearly everyone who has diabetes for more than 30 years will exhibit symptoms of diabetic retinopathy. Most of the complications of diabetes mellitus may be avoided by maintaining normal blood glucose levels (Stratton et al. , 2000; The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial Research Group, 1993). 2. 6The Primary Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus in Malaysia This population based approach is being set up by the Ministry of Health. In the Government Clinic, any individual who has symptoms of Diabetes (tiredness, lethargy, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss, pruritis vulvae, balanitis) and any adult who are overweight (BMI) 23kg/m2 or waist circumference ? 80cm for women and ? 90cm for men and having family members having diabetes must be screened. Pregnant women who is overweight (BMI) 27kg/m2 and has previous gestational diabetes will be screened annually. The onset of Type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delay through  a healthy lifestyle. Change your diet, increase your level of physical activity,  maintain a healthy weight with these positive steps, you can stay healthier longer and reduce your risk of diabetes (American Diabetes Association, 2009). 3. 0Critical Evaluation Diabetes Mellitus education is not sufficient in Malaysia. There is no school-based obesity prevention and treatment program for overweight and obese adolescents. Healthy lifestyle must be taught at school level. The best and most effective ways to prevent Diabetes Mellitus is to educate the population to take care of their own health both in the urban and rural areas. 4. 0Clinical Case Scenario . 1Patient background Mr. S is a 52 years old Malay man and works as a male nurse. He is married and has three teenage children. He has a happy family life and other than his hypertension he has no medical history of note. He feels fit and well (with no symptoms of diabetes such as thirst, fatigue, blurred vision, frequency of micturition). He was somewha t alarmed when he was called back for a glucose tolerance test, as his FBS reading was 16. 1mmol/L during health awareness campaign week at age 49 years old. He was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes on blood test. On examination he was obese and has hypertension. He had been on anti-hypertensive a low-dose of Atenolol for the past ten years. At that time his weight was 120 kg at 5 feet 6 inches height. He stopped smoking and consumes alcohol at age of 40 years old. His blood glucose when he was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes was 10. 2 mmol/L, His oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was 16. 1 mmol/L Oral glucose tolerance testing (OGTT) is the most sensitive test for diagnosing diabetes and pre-diabetes. He was referred to Diabetic Clinic for diabetic management and assessment such as lifestyle modification, healthy diet and medication. The baseline examination done for Mr. S was to assess the risk factors and complications of diabetes. His hemoglobin HbA1C test was 7. 5 %. The HbA1C blood test measured the average blood glucose level during the past two or three months. His fasting lipid profile, Cholestrol 7. 1 mmol/L,Triglycerides 2. 5 mmol/L,HDL 1. 0 mmol/L,LDL 4. 9 mmol/L,Serum Creatinine 96 mmol/L , Liver Function Test , Bilirubin. Total 15umol/L,Transaminase. G-O 5-23 u/L,Transaminase G-P 31 u/L,Proteins. Total 89 umol/L,Albumin 54g/L,Globulin 35g/L, Bilirubin, Conjugated 5umol/L and Phosphatase alkaline 77 u/L, Blood Urea Serum Electrolyte, Sodium 145mmol/L, Potassium 4. mmol/L, Blood Urea 5. 4 mmol/L, foot examination : No abnormality detected, eye examination: no abnormality detected. Electrocardiogram ( ECG ) : nor abnormality detected. His current medication is tablet metformin 1000mg twice a day and tablet aspirin 62. 5mg once a day, tablet Simvastatin 20mg on night and tablet Irbesartan 150mg daily. 3. 2Clinical monitoring protocol for Mr. S in the management of his diabetes. Blood pressure, body weight and blood glucose should be monitored at each visit. Feet for pulses to check for neuropathy, body weight, blood pressure, blood glucose and HbA1c to be monitored quarterly. Cholesterol, triglycerides, albiminuria and creatinine to be monitored if found abnormal at first visit. As for annually the whole investigation has to be monitored plus fundoscopy for visual acuity, body mass index, electrocardiogram and urine for microscopy. If cardiovascular or renal complications are present or patients are on lipid-lowering and or on anti-hypertensive therapy, lipids and renal function may need to be checked more often. This, together with a healthy lifestyle, will help to improve wellbeing and protect against long-term damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and major arteries. 3. Nursing management Mr. S was advised to have a balanced diet, managing his weight and following a healthy lifestyle, together with taking any prescribed medication and monitoring where appropriate will benefit his health and losing his weight will help him to control his diabetes and will also reduce him risk of heart disease, and stroke. Being active is good for all of us but is e specially important for people with diabetes. Physical activity, combined with healthy eating and any diabetes medication that Mr. S might be taking, will help him to manage his diabetes and prevent long-term diabetes complications. Mr. S was also advised not to smoke again because giving up smoking is one of the most positive things him has done to both  improve his health and reduce his risks of the long-term complications associated with the condition. Everyone risks of damaging their health through smoking a cigarette but for people with diabetes the risk may be even greater. Patient who has diabetes already have an increased chance of developing cardiovascular disease, such as a heart attack, stroke or circulatory problems in the legs. When combined with smoking this can also double his risk of complications and make the chances of developing these diseases even higher. . 0Conclusion There is no cure for Diabetes Mellitus but with close monitoring of blood glucose level and blood pressure it can be managed and this can avoid or minimized complications. Diabetes mellitus is a condition, which requires careful management in which the patient has to be the one who takes control. Although professionals in health and nutrition participate in the treatment, it is patient who is mostly responsible for the outcome. The diabetic person can learn how to manage his conditions in the best possible way. If anyone in the family like parent, brother, or sister with diabetes, he or she is at risk of developing diabetes. She or he must get screened for it annually from the age of 30 years old onwards even though if they have no symptoms of diabetes, they must learn how to prevent it. References: American Diabetes Association, editor (2002) American Diabetes Association Complete Guide to Diabetes. 3rd edn. New York : Bantam Books. Cockram, C. S. (2000) The epidemiology of diabetes mellitus in the Asia-Pacific region, HongKong Medical Journal, Vol. 6, pp. 43-52. Diabetes Daily (2010) Available at https://www. diabetesdaily. com. (Accessed: 12 April 2010). Diana, W. G. Richard, A. G. (2003) The Diabetes Sourcebook. th edn, New York: McGraw Hill. Eliasson, B. , Cederholm, J. , Nilsson, P. and Gudbjo? rnsdottir, S. (2005), â€Å"The gap between guidelines and reality: Type 2 diabetes in a national diabetes register 1996-2003†, Diabetic Medicine, Vol. 22 No. 10, pp. 1420-1426. Harris, M. I. , Flegal, K. M. , Cowie, C. C. , Eberhardt, M. S. , Goldstein, D. E. , Little, R. R. , Wiedmyer, H. M. and By rd-Holt, D. D. (1998) â€Å"Prevalence of diabetes, impaired fasting glucose, and impaired glucose tolerance in US adults: The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey ( 1988-1994 ) Diabetes Care, Vol. 1 No. 4, pp. 518-524. Health CareHandbook, Aspen Publishers, Inc. , Gaithersburg,MD, pp. 318-329. Health in Aging (2010) Available at https://www. healthinaging. org (Accessed: 25 April 2010). International Diabetes Federation (2009) Available at https://www. idf. org (Accessed: 22 May 2010). King, H. , Aubert, R. E. and Herman, W. H. (1998) â€Å"Global burden of diabetes, 1995-2025. Prevalence, numerical estimates, and projections†, Diabetes Care, Vol. 21 No. 9, pp. 1414-1431. Florence, T. et. al. (2009) Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 4th edn. Malaysia : CPG Ministry Of Health. Malaysian Diabetes Association (2009) Available at https://www. diabetes. org. my (Acessed: 22 May 2010). Mayo Clinic (2010) Available at https://www. mayoclinic. com (Accessed: 18 April 2010). Mendosa, D. (2001) What is Diabetes. Available at: https://www. mendosa. com/what. htm (Acessed: 29 May 2010). Plocher, D. W. (1996) Disease management, in Kongstvedt, P. R. (Ed. ), The Managed Health CareHandbook, Aspen Publishers, Inc. , Gaithersburg,MD, pp. 318-329. Ram, C. S. (2000) â€Å"The epidemiology of diabetes mellitus in the Asia-Pacific region†, Hong Kong Medical Journal, Vol. , pp. 43-52. Stratton, I. M. , Adler, A. I. , Neil, A. W. , Matthews, D. R. , Manley, S. E. , Cull, C. A. , Hadden, D. , Turner, R. C. , and Holman, R. R. (2000). Association of glycaemia with macrovascular and microvascular complications of type 2 diabetes (UKPDS35): prospective observational study. Brittish Medical Journal, 321:405 p. 412. The Star (2010) Available at https:// www. thestar. com. my. (Accessed: 11 April 2010). Zimmet, P. Z. (1992) â€Å"Challenges in diabetes epidemiology – from West to the rest† Diabetes Care, Vol. 15, pp. 232-252.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Progressivism Progressivism For A Progressive Society

Progressivism in Education: Progressivism for a Progressive Society There are five different philosophies of education that educators can choose from. The philosophies of education are essentialism, perennialism, progressivism, social reconstructionism, and existentialism. A teachers’ philosophy of education defines how they run their classroom, maintain classroom management, and expect their students to learn. For me, I have chosen the philosophy of progressivism. Progressivism is a student centered philosophy. According to Moore (2000), progressivism is a child-centered approach that sees education as a ‘drawing-out’ rather than a putting in of knowledge. Progressives generally run a truly child centered classroom, as compared to an essentialist, who believe in the teacher being the center of the classroom. By teachers adopting the philosophy of progressivism in the classroom; they encourage their students to become intelligent individual problem solvers, hand s on learners and collaborators, and prepare them to be responsible and knowledgeable citizens. Why Progressivism Progressivism, as a philosophy in education, inspires student’s individual creativity, rejects stereotyping, and looks at each student as a unique individual (Moore, 2000). This is a good approach to take in a classroom filled with eager learners. What every child desires in a classroom, first and foremost, is respect. If my students are treated as an individuals, and are recognized for theirShow MoreRelatedEssay on A Progressive Movement1538 Words   |  7 PagesA Progressive Movement Much of a historian’s job is to read what their colleagues have written on their subject of interest at the moment. Often, they then go on to write their own opinions on the subject, thereby influencing the historians of the future. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gilgamesh And The Epic Of Gilgamesh - 1458 Words

Gilgamesh or the Epic of Gilgamesh is and primary historical source and is one of the world’s oldest stories, which provides a tremendous amount of insight into ancient Sumerian culture, beliefs, and gender roles. Even though the story is considered a work of fiction, there are some sources that say the Gilgamesh is based on an actual historical figure, the fifth king of Uruk. The themes presented in Gilgamesh love, death, the bonds between people, and religion are timeless aspects of human nature and may be one of the reasons that the story has stood more than the test of time and has managed to captivate readers in every epoch since it was deciphered. There is very little that is known about ancient Sumerian culture due to the length of time that it took to decipher the cuneiform writing and the fact that most of the writings were done on clay tablets, which are subject to the elements and decay more rapidly than more modern writings that were done on parchment or paper. The Epic of Gilgamesh began as an oral tradition and was transcribed by many people onto clay tablets in an effort to preserve the story for future generations. The debate over whether the tale is Sumerian or a Babylonian myth is minor when one considers the richness of information that the story holds. The story of Gilgamesh is relatively short but several themes are pointed out in the tale which include love, death, and religion. The theme of love is expressed in many different ways throughout the tale.Show MoreRelatedGilgamesh And The Epic Of Gilgamesh988 Words   |  4 PagesThe maturation of Gilgamesh and his desire to acquire wisdom throughout his journey is quite apparent. By overcoming difficulties such as upholding Uruk, becoming friends with Enkidu, and various other scenarios, Gilgamesh proves that he did in fact grow up throughout the epic. As the epic starts, Gilgamesh is portrayed as a self-centered, self-admiring leader who believes that he is the only individual that can lead the city of Uruk. Gilgamesh believes that he is a god-like figure and often refersRead MoreThe Epic Of Gilgamesh : Gilgamesh1013 Words   |  5 Pages Gilgamesh in 2015 Even though the epic Gilgamesh is thousands of years old, it is still read today. Why would the era of technology read an epic this old? This is because the themes in Gilgamesh are still relevant. In addition, the themes are experiences that Gilgamesh went through in his life period, and serve as lessons for the current readers. Gilgamesh’s themes include journey, legacy, love, and death. These themes make Gilgamesh a vital reading for the 21st century citizens because peopleRead MoreGilgamesh : The Epic Of Gilgamesh1194 Words   |  5 Pages The Epic of Gilgamesh is a Mesopotamian epic poem loosely based on a real king who ruled sometime around 2700 BCE. The standard version of this epic was written in the Akkadian language. In this epic poem, Gilgamesh is King of Uruk, he is one third mortal and two-thirds god; he is described as a strong, arrogant, and unruly king that does not show much consideration for his actions. Gilgamesh is a very egocentric person; he has no res pect for the feelings of others and does not care about howRead MoreGilgamesh : The Epic Of Gilgamesh876 Words   |  4 PagesIn The Epic of Gilgamesh a young man meets and befriends a wild man named Enkidu. Enkidu, once a man who lived among animals, became civilized after having sex with a female. From this point on Gilgamesh and Enkidu’s relationship start, but shortly into the novel Enkidu becomes sick and dies. This is the start to Gilgamesh journey in attempting to avoid death by seeking immortality. In his quest Gilgamesh meets several people all who assign different routes to the next person he should speak to.Read MoreGilgamesh : The Epic Of Gilgamesh909 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"The Epic of Gilgamesh† is a didactic story set out to expose the inevitability of death. The true meaning of this story is sometimes overlooked because the story is told in heighten language not easily understood. The epic hero in this story is Gilgamesh; he undertakes a quest for knowledge which is overshadowed by his ignorance. The tragic death of Enkidu, Gilgamesh’s trusted companion forces the epic hero to change his perception of death. To overcome great obstacles one must be willing to putRead MoreGilgamesh The Epic Of Gilgamesh877 Words   |  4 PagesThe Epic of Gilgamesh the lines that are repeated at the beginning and end of the epic show that only immortality a human can gain lies in creating things that last beyond a person’s lifetime. While at the beginning of the epic Gilgamesh is seeking eternal life, when he concludes his journey he realizes that he has created an enduring legend through the foundation of his city, Uruk. Through this legend, Gilgamesh can live on in the memory of his people, long after he has passed away. The epic is ableRead MoreThe Epic Of Gilgamesh And Gilgamesh1422 Words   |  6 PagesIn the Epic of Gilgamesh there are many notable relationships but the relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu is hands d own the most noteworthy. When analyzing the relationship of Gilgamesh and Enkidu there are many factors that go into play. It is really the sole foundation of the whole Sumerian epic and it really changes the whole personality of Gilgamesh. In order to get a better understanding of how the two characters complement each other we have to first break down their individual appearancesRead MoreGilgamesh : The Epic Of Gilgamesh1400 Words   |  6 Pages The Epic of Gilgamesh Introduction The Epic of Gilgamesh is the story about Gilgamesh, the King of Uruk and Enkidu, their friendship, how Enkidu dies, how Gilgamesh mourns the death of his friend and finally he understands enlightened truth . Most of this story is narrated from Gilgamesh’s point of view. The story is set in Mesopotamia and the portrayal of Gilgamesh is ironical. He is described as a king of immense vigor and strength who is not benevolent with his subjectsRead MoreGilgamesh : The Epic Of Gilgamesh2225 Words   |  9 PagesEpic of Gilgamesh In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh became a hero and Enkidu helped Gilgamesh grow and develop as a person, a leader, and a hero. Heroism is a major theme of this story. Gilgamesh also overcame the obstacle of his best friend dying and persevering when he had no other choice but to give up. The Epic of Gilgamesh was a story about a leader named Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh ruled the city of Uruk and along the way, he learned how to become a better leader. During this time, the gods createRead MoreThe Epic Of Gilgamesh And Gilgamesh Essay2053 Words   |  9 PagesWhile the women in the Epic of Gilgamesh may not be the primary focus of the epic, which instead recounts more of Gilgamesh’s own trials and travails, they still play quite vital roles in their interactions with both Enkidu and Gilgamesh. Women such as Shamhat, Ninsun, and Ishtar in The Epic of Gilgamesh are often portrayed with a particular emphasis on their intrinsic connections to civilization—and in the case of Shamhat and Ninsun, in terms of their motherly characteristics as well—which serves

Domestic Violence and Social Class free essay sample

Domestic violence is something that happens every day around the world. Young, old, rich or poor, this is an issue that we must look at to better ourselves as a country. One of the things that we look at is how domestic violence relates to the different social classes of the country, this being upper, middle, and lower. Some would thing that it would be more common in lower classes, but the reality of it is domestic violence is a problem across all social classes. In this paper I will discuss different articles about domestic violence and its relation to social class. It is clear to see that any of the articles on this topic focus around women as victims and men get put into a category of the only ones committing violence. From different articles you can see that social class has a relation and an effect on domestic violence. To begin with we need to understand what domestic violence is. The National Domestic Violence Hotline describes domestic violence as pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner. Abuse is physical, sexual, emotional, economic or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. This includes any behaviors that frighten, intimidate, terrorize, manipulate, hurt, humiliate, blame, injure or wound someone. Domestic violence can happen to anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion or gender. It can happen to couples who are married, living together or who are dating. Domestic violence affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels (The National Domestic Hotline). This is one of the best definitions you will find. Its important to realize that Domestic Violence can happen to anyone. The focus on economic background is important; there is not one ocial class that domestic violence does not occur in. It is key that we keep this in mind, otherwise we begin to label and fit certain social groups into categories. And as we will find out this is not the case at all. In Gender, Status, and Domestic Violence, by Kristin L. Anderson she discusses many issues related to domestic violence. In her article she talks about social economic status and how it can affect domestic violence. The section on social class begins with how gender and social class play very big roles with each other, or how each social class helps determine the resources available to men for the construction f masculinity (Anderson, 1995). Anderson begins with the working and lower class and how their position they hold at work lacks power and authority. This can lead to violence in the home because they search for positions of power in other aspects of their life. And many times the search for power and masculinity starts in their home life. This could be one explanation for the cause of domestic violence among low income social class. It is very clear that society even thought changing for the better over the years, still puts the man as the breadwinner of his family. And if a man annot produce for their family I agree with her that that will look for other places to find there masculinity and in some cases this is accomplished with violence against their partner. Next Anderson discusses middle and upper class together. She states with reference from another article that Middle and upper class notions of masculinity focus on ambition, responsibility, and professional employment (Segal, society. The research done in this article shows that men or women with low income jobs and less resources are more likely to be violent in their home as a means to gain the lack of power in their life. Men who have fewer resources then there female partners will be more likely to commit domestic assault than the men with resources equal or greater than their female partners (Anderson, 1995). We can see for the research done by Anderson that she focuses on the reporting of violence. I would have like to have seen some numbers on education and or employment in ration to domestic violence. But it is clear and can be understood that men base their masculinity on their economic social status, and if that status is low they begin to search for other ways to gain power, and often that is in the means of domestic iolence against their partners. Social class plays a key role in everyday life of millions around the world. So it is clear that social class would play a role in domestic violence. Knowing that domestic violence knows no boundaries it is correct to say that wealth does not protect against violence. In the article Economic stress and Domestic Violence by Claire M. Renzetti from the National Online Resource Center on Violence against Women, they bring social class and domestic violence into clear view. One discussion in the article which we have to take into account when looking at social class and domestic violence is ell put when she stats the data we have about domestic violence comes from samples to which researchers have greatest access, such as individuals who use social services and these individuals are more likely to have low incomes (Renzetti, 2009). With this in mind it is clear to see why there are so many articles on low income violence. As she states from a study done by Benson and Fox (2003) from analyzing data from the National Survey of Household and Families, the family income increases the likelihood of domestic violence decrease. It is becoming clearer hat even though we know that domestic violence knows no social class, The National Crime Victimization Survey reports the chance of violence in a low income household is five times great then the households with the highest incomes (Renzetti, 2009). As stated earlier it seems that the relation to domestic violence and employment takes a big part of the problem with violence among the social classes. In the article by Anderson early discuss she makes it clear that the feeling of power is directly related to the males economic standing. Renzetti state that sever studies have documented hey deliberate sabotage to their partners efforts to maintain paid employment (2009). We can tie that back to how males base their masculinity and power on their economic status. Women have reported that their attempts to obtain paid employment outside their homes only aggravated their partners. It is becoming clear that men see power in being the main provider in the house and to lose some of that power is demining in some ways, and can result in violence against their partners. She references an article by Bush (2003) say that paid employment if a female intimate partner is threatening for some men, especially men who are unemployed r in low paying Jobs. Renzitti states that some researchers have argued that social class has a greater influence on domestic violence risk than race/ethnicity, and that even the social class of your neighborhood plays into account. Disadvantaged neighborhoods domestic violence rates are significantly higher in neighborhoods By now it is clear that there is a relation between social class and domestic violence. In domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking by Walby Allen (2004) they discuss how it could be the domestic violence that is causing the low economical status. This is a little broader thinking then our other authors but still Walby Allen tie mans need for masculinity and power into the equation. But first to look how they discuss domestic violence as the cause for low social status, the lack of economic resources is clearly associated with domestic violence against women. But it is how we see one leading to the other that they discuss. Walby Allen purpose that maybe it is the other way around. For example that poverty and low social status are the consequences of domestic violence. Women who leave behind their homes and partners in order to escape violence will be much more ikely to be poorer as a consequence of the loss of their home and of their partners income (Walby Allen, 2004). This is a new concept to think about but can easily be seen as possible. From what we have learned low income family are more prone to domestic violence, it is clear to see if the victim does get out of this relationship they have no means of economic support. In return this Just keeps them in poverty and most likely sinks them deeper down the status pool of the world. As Walby Allen (2004) report that eventually making their way back into the abusive elationship because they have no economic support. It seems that the affect that social class and domestic violence have on each other is a never ending cycle. As we found in the research social class plays a big part in domestic violence and in some cases domestic violence plays a big part in social class. Whichever way that you look at it one constant held true across all of the articles, this being that men have been socially constructed by society to have to have the need for power in relationships. And when that power is lacking a nd they feel there masculinity is in eopardy we see domestic violence. Now a lot of the focus of the articles was on the lower class, showing that the economic stress had a direct relation to man and the need for power. We need to understand that the lower social status groups are not the only ones with a domestic violence problem. Like I said earlier domestic violence can happen across any social class, rich or poor. Most of the research that is done focuses on women in poverty because that is where the easy samples are. We know that there is a problem there, we need to move on to research that examines women ofa higher social standing. When we open up to who is we look at then we will begin to get a real grasp on the social class and domestic violence issue. Now I know that that depends on if they are willing to report, but that is a whole different topic for a different day. We have to be careful not to stereotype individuals into this field Just because of the economic standing, but it is clear that social class and domestic violence show a clear and direct relation with each other.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Dilemma of Editing Your Dissertation

The Dilemma of Editing Your DissertationThe dissertation editor is a person who takes the final draft of your dissertation and makes it as closely related to a perfect piece of literature as possible. He does not take the writing of the dissertation lightly; he wants it to be as good as possible. This can only be done if you do it in the right way. Even if you are an experienced writer, a great editor can make the finishing touches your dissertation to perfection.Most editors are concerned with ensuring that your manuscript gets the proper attention it deserves. For this reason, they are capable of correcting the errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, syntax, and sentence structure. They also take care of grammatical issues such as use of definite articles, definite pronouns, articles without substantive terms, etc.You cannot avoid errors in the writing of your dissertation, but you can help make sure that the errors are minor and do not spoil the thesis. The dissertation editor s hould make sure that you get the editing done from the beginning. Once you find that some errors have crept in, you should correct them immediately and keep making a point to yourself to get the editing done as soon as possible. If you wait until the very last minute, you may end up with a massive rewrite of your dissertation, which is useless for the university.The most important thing to remember when editing your dissertation is that errors do not cause the manuscript to fail. Rather, they can prove to be fatal to the credibility of your work. Errors are only relevant when there are small or major gaps in the text. A few mistakes may turn into a major problem if you submit your dissertation for a major evaluation. For this reason, it is important that you do not allow the editor to go overboard on the editing process.The editor must give the writing an editor's eye by making certain that the writing is grammatically correct and sound. They may have to run your essay throughan Eng lish grammar checker or double check the spelling and punctuation. They should also look out for grammatical or word problems that can rob the composition of it's integrity. After all, your work is based on the knowledge of grammar and spelling. It is vital that any flaws and errors are corrected as soon as possible to protect the integrity of your dissertation.One of the many types of mistakes that can crop up in the essay is a misuse of acronyms and abbreviations. Many people try to make up these abbreviations in the text. In fact, it can be much better if you avoid them altogether.Another common error is making a list of the research materials which you include in your dissertation. A lot of people use a list like this but you do not need to include every single item in your report. Instead, have a list in which you indicate which items you need to include and what is missing.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

How to Choose Good College Essays

How to Choose Good College Essays Top Good College Essays Choices Do not presume that getting an admission in a wonderful college is merely a matter of luck. Originally, laboratory report writing could seem simple enough, but nonetheless, it also requires a complete bunch of time and efforts. All you will need is to select an honest writing service with a pool of capable specialists who will finish the task for you by the deadline however hard your paper is. At the close of the day, colleges wish to accept someone who's going to graduate, be prosperous in the world and have the university connected with that success. Lies You've Been Told About Good College Essays There's one think you should remember. Think of all the qualities that colleges would begin searching for in the very best candidate. A sample letter is given in the article below. Essays are produced from scratch with writers following strict instructions given by the customer. Map out what you're likely to w rite by creating an outline. Who Else Wants to Learn About Good College Essays? Unfortunately, stumbling in the TMI zone of essay topics is more prevalent than you believe. Among the secrets of how to compose a fantastic essay is to pay a great deal of attention to your introduction. There are lots of assortments of essays, it isn't challenging to shed a watch out for all your writing assignments. The essays function as a glimpse into how your mind works, how you see the world and gives perspective. You can opt to take a peek at affordable essay writing services, for instance. Thus, the essay for our staff it is simpler than ever. If you don't find out the way to start your essay or where to hunt for supporting data, we'll be pleased to aid you. Ok here best way service should compose an essay service that's an essay. The reader want to discover more. For example, a lot of the success of your essay depends upon how well you are able to grab the reader's attention right in the beginning of the paper in order for the reader can't help but need to become through the remaining portion of the essay. Prior to starting custom essays, you will discover certainly always a couple writing. Bridget's essay is extremely strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. The Good, the Bad and Good College Essays Well, maybe not... The procedure for getting into college appears to secure more complex each calendar year, as an increasing number of students understand that they need higher education to attain their targets. Explain your commitments, and you will be the kind of student colleges find immensely attractive. If you're most likely to show you're serious about the college and are a really excellent fit, then you need to learn about the program that you want to enter. During your college search, it's important to consider colleges with a range of acceptance rates to be sure you will wind up at a school that's perfect for you. Getting the Best Good College Essays In case that you still don't understand where to find essay, it's still a simple fact that you experience a chance to consult with people. What works for an additional person in relate to the mix of Early or Regular Decision schools may not do the task for you. Pick a distinctive topic that others may not think of, and whatever you select, make sure that you know a lot about it! There are a number of reasons for it. The Secret to Good College Essays When you're done writing, have a close friend or relative look it over and provide you honest advice. College years are thought to be the best years in somebody's life. They are thought to be the best years in someone's life. They are believed to be the best years in a person's life. Understanding Good College Essays Examples of college essays can be quite helpful. Writing college essays is not something to be dismissed, especially if you prefer to not just receive a fantastic grade, but in addition prove a point. Writing a college essay doesn't have to be a cumbersome procedure. Descriptive college essays are rather popular among professors and students. Selecting a topic is most likely the hardest aspect of writing a college essay. Locating a legit essay writing service could possibly be the important issue for the majority of students. A wonderful essay will be able to help you get accepted to your dream school. A mediocre essay can promote rejection. While it might not be exciting or easy, writing an incredible admission essay could make or break your odds of getting into college. As you are writing a college essay it isn't enough in the event that you write it in simple words. The college essay is essential since it's the sole area of the application process that has the ability to really showcase who you are as a learner and as someone. Get your creative juices flowing by brainstorming all the potential ideas you can imagine to deal with your college essay question. Once you get your topic set, write an outline that will help you organize your ideas. As a result, such students start searching for the ideal essay help to be certain their project will be produced at the maximal level in accord with all academic standards.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

College Admission Essay Samples Ideas - Unique Articles to Help You Get Into College

College Admission Essay Samples Ideas - Unique Articles to Help You Get Into CollegeIf you're looking for examples of college admission essays sample's ideas, then it would be easy to find just about anything you want to write about. There are books, magazines, articles, websites, and blogs all over the place that will let you know what can and cannot be used in your college admissions essay. You could spend all day doing research on these resources and never really come up with any that are truly unique. What you need is a new idea for your college admissions essay, but you don't want one that's the same as everything else out there.The truth is that when you are looking for college admission essay samples ideas, chances are you'll come across many of the same things you already have seen before. This may include things such as questions that have been asked during interviews, graphs and charts that have been used in essays, and even the length of the essay itself.You'll find many d ifferent college admission essay samples out there, and if you don't do some good research, you could get caught up in all of the same things, but you will miss out on several that are truly unique. If you really want to take your college admissions essay to the next level, you'll want to look for a unique and innovative idea that will stand out from the crowd. Keep in mind, there are some college essay samples ideas that are so similar that they're not even worth mentioning.One thing you have to remember when looking for the different college admission essay samples is that your essay doesn't have to be grammatically correct. It doesn't have to be worded according to rules set forth by any number of academic organizations. For the most part, these essay samples are written for people who are applying to college, but that doesn't mean that they have to adhere to the rules of every college. Some students have chosen to ignore the rules and stick to their own individual personality.On e thing that you'll find in these college admission essay samples is that there isn't really any right or wrong answer. Some students prefer to write about what they have personally experienced, while others prefer to use more common sense. Some students prefer to use specific words that are uncommon, while others choose the traditional written language that is found in many colleges and universities.As you look at the different college admission essay samples, you'll find that there are different approaches you can take. You may want to use specific words, or you may be able to decide for yourself what words would best fit your intended audience. There's no one right way to write an essay; you should consider what works best for you.When you're searching for college admission essay samples ideas, you'll find that you will find lots of great ideas. While they are all written from a variety of perspectives, you should be able to find at least a few that you think would work for you. Regardless of what you decide to write, remember that you should write an essay that is meaningful to you, and not something that is deemed too good to be true.Whether you choose to do this by yourself or hire a professional, college admission essay sample's ideas are going to be different for everyone. Before you begin writing, ask yourself if you have any ideas or concepts that you would like to add to the mix. Don't give yourself some specific essay topic in advance, but instead be open to whatever comes your way and the best thing you can do is to be honest about your personal experiences, and take control of the final product.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The Chronicles of Custom Written Term Papers

The Chronicles of Custom Written Term Papers So, you may use our services, ask questions, or locate the essential information any moment you will need. You could search for the ideal on-line service somewhere else, keeping the mixture of quality and price in mind or you might quit searching at the moment and turn to us for help instead. Should you need any help, don't be afraid to pay a visit to Regardless of what you have to write, online help is always available, and you are able it! The Tried and True Method for Custom Written Term Papers in Step by Step Detail Rather, an excellent term paper requires a stance and provides some amount of original thought about its subject. Experienced term paper writers are affordable and they are able to help you acquire the information which you require for your topic. At any time you require essay writing help, we're here to aid you! You are able to expect to acquire the very best essay writing service for many of y our subjects. The One Thing to Do for Custom Written Term Papers Academic writing is an entire separate area of school and college assignments. Our writers and editors are specialists from other fields, and a few of them have scientific degrees. Term papers often spend the kind of a scientific report or a discussion and therefore require research and an advanced degree of writing expertise. Submitting excellent assignments might help you get higher grades. What clients have found with different companies is they have either had low rates or higher quality. Professional attention given to every customized order provides both excellent assurance and client protection at the exact same moment. It's noteworthy there are companies on the market that provide both custom-written and pre-written papers. There are businesses offering custom-written papers half price in comparison with average pricing. Custom Written Term Papers Secrets That No One Else Knows About On-line term pa per writing assistance is just what you want! Our crew of writers boasts a very good knowledge in essay writing. When students face an extremely complex writing assignment, a number of them put away other projects to concentrate on it and to complete it by themselves. If you're the person who is in desperate need of a proper term paper writing service don't linger to utilize your chance! Whenever you would like to purchase custom term papers, it's important to, to start with, be assured of some things before placing your purchase. When you have completed your term paper, it's a great idea to let it sit for a few days and after that re-read it to check for any changes that will need to get made. A term paper is a sizable task which takes a great deal of time and energy, and it plays a substantial part in your final grade. Custom Written Term Papers - Is it a Scam? When it has to do with working with professionals, your best option would be with us. All you have to do is con sult with an expert customized essay writing service like ours that is guaranteed to submit all of your assigned work in time. Our principal purpose is to help our customers to buy custom made papers and in obtaining a better appreciation and result in their work. You are able to directly contact customer support or the writer if you want the status of your purchase. Custom Written Term Papers - the Conspiracy A term paper is among the main tasks students get at the close of the semester. The target of every teacher is to get an effect on their students and equip them with knowledge regarding a specific subject. College life isn't easy as it might seem from the beginning. Because a student life isn't only about studying. Term paper writing is just a stress generator. If you opt too general of a subject you won't be in a position to cover everything in 1 paper. Nevertheless, however well it's possible to write a term paper, you will fail if it's formatted wrong. A term pa per is not just about starting well. The Debate Over Custom Written Term Papers A term paper is essentially a record discussing a specific topic in detail. An excellent introduction is made up of hook to catch the reader's attention, a brief description of a matter, and a thesis statement. Possessing a thorough knowledge base lets you narrow the topic of your paper down. You don't need to elaborate an extremely extensive description or a sophisticated scheme. Thus, you can feel sure your paper is going to be custom written by means of an expert with appropriate qualification. When you order a custom written term paper, you're going to be astounded with the level of understanding our staff will reveal towards you. So, regardless of what you must do, an academic essay or a customized research term paper writing, you may use our services and boost your rating. Moreover, before the true procedure for writing custom term paper happens, the writers will need to outline the cust om papers term. Utilize our samples to have you started! All papers are finished on time with no delay. Besides, occasionally it is actually tough to discover enough materials and process them carefully to present distinctive and appropriate content in your work.